Social networks as a tool of the cold war

Facebook and Google have moved to even tougher anti-Russian censorship. They have become even more active in removing from their platforms the most popular online media in Russia, with thousands and millions of subscribers.
On May 20, YouТube deleted the accounts of a number of major patriotic media outlets: the Crimean television station Krym-24 and two news agencies – Anna News and News Front. I can’t say that I always and in everything agreed with the media, but I’m sure that they had every right to freely express their positions.
It is especially outrageous that Western corporations that deleted these accounts hypocritically preach freedom of speech, in fact trampling it in the style of the most odious dictators. On this occasion, in Moscow there was a protest rally of outraged users under the office of Google. And on May 28, Alexander Lukashevich, the Permanent Representative of Russia to the OSCE, expressed a public protest in this regard.
“Such a policy is a gross violation of international obligations to ensure free and unhindered access to information, media freedom and expression. In fact, we are talking about direct censorship, but now on a global scale, ” Lukashevich said.
Social networks have become the most powerful instrument of propaganda, because it is in them that tens of millions of the most active and young Russians derive information, and trust in them is often greater than on television. Moreover, many ordinary users who do not understand the essence of the restrictive policies of the leadership of the same Facebook network may have the impression that everything is in order with freedom of speech.
And the same advertisement of Russophobia, the propaganda of senseless and merciless rebellion, all sorts of behavioral deviations occurs there unobtrusively, served as the opinion of the people, as the free thought of large groups of private users. And the opinion of dissent is removed by the administration without noise and dust.
The other day, Facebook blocked the page of the REN TV channel, on the site of which you are now reading this article. Moreover, with the wording that it looks like a page that was previously blocked for “violation of the rules of the community.” By the way, the first block was for publications about the connection of the New Zealand nationalist terrorist with the Ukrainian national battalion “Azov” (banned in the Russian Federation), and a similar topic for Facebook is a taboo.
And such a policy of the largest social networks in the world was born not yesterday. I recall how, shortly before the start of the Euromaidan, Facebook administrators calmly deleted the account of Oleg Tsarev, a Ukrainian politician, MP, who later became a famous figure in the Russian Spring.
Tsarev had hundreds of thousands of subscribers, that is, his page was actually a major media outlet, with the help of which he expressed his negative opinion about the revolutionary upheavals coming to Ukraine. But the accounts of Ukrainian nationalists and liberals, who sang the future coup, promising the golden mountains after his victory, did not touch. Although they just very much violated the notorious “rules of the community,” putting forward the slogans of Nazism, xenophobia, religious hatred. But, since this Nazism was aimed at fanning troubles against the Russian world and canonical Orthodoxy, the administrators of this corporation willingly put up with this.
There is a strong impression that the policy of such social networks is aimed at creating events similar to Ukrainian within the Russian Federation. Otherwise, it is impossible to interpret the prohibition of Russian patriotism and morality while encouraging incitement to hatred of them.
At the same time, social networks help attract troubles and a wide range of discontented, and simply “useful idiots” to bloat. Indeed, in groups created for fanning trouble, usually not only lies are served. They also give out a lot of useful and truthful information, with the help of which they gain public confidence and then impose false conclusions about reality on it. So, direct agents of influence of foreign special services and non-understanding simpletons are involved in the cause of damage to Russia.
Here I recall the Dulles plan, announced by the liberals as a fake, but in reality coming true step by step. Recall his artistic retelling, which was given by the famous writer Anatoly Ivanov in the novel Eternal Call:
“The war will end, everything will somehow settle down, settle down. And we will throw everything that we have – all gold, all material power to fool and fool people. The human brain, the minds of people are capable of change. Having sowed chaos there, we discreetly replace their values with false ones and force them to believe in these false values. How? We will find our like-minded people, our allies in Russia itself. <…> We will do our best to support and glorify the so-called artists who will instill and hammer into the human mind the cult of sex, violence, sadism, betrayal, in a word, all immorality. In government, we will create chaos and confusion. We will quietly, but actively and constantly contribute to the tyranny of officials, bribe takers, and unscrupulousness. <…> Nationalism and hostility of peoples, primarily hostility and hatred of the Russian people – all this will blossom in a double color. And only a few, very few will guess or even understand what is happening. “
I note that the writer Ivanov talked a lot with representatives of the then intelligence and clearly carried out in his novel an artistic retelling of the directive of the National Security Council of the United States 20/1 of August 18, 1948, as well as, probably, other secret American documents.
So no matter how much they talk about the “fake” nature of the Dulless plan, this plan was not invented by the writer, but by the US NSS and other management structures.
Here are the most interesting excerpts from the original English document:
“So what goals should we look for in relation to any non-communist government that may arise on part or all of Russian territory as a result of the events of the war?” <…> We must create automatic guarantees to ensure that even a non-communist and nominally friendly regime towards us: a) does not have great military power; b) economically depended heavily on the outside world; c) did not have serious power over the main national minorities; d) didn’t install anything like an iron curtain … we are obliged not to wash it, so we must impose it to protect our interests … <…> We need to take decisive measures in order to avoid responsibility for deciding who will rule Russia after the collapse of the Soviet regime. <…>
An armed conflict is likely to break out between different groups. Even so, we should not intervene unless this struggle affects our military interests. ”
So, the US leadership was aware of the impending collapse of communism. And it back in the days of Dulles claimed that it was fighting not with communism, but with Russia, planning to weaken it as much as possible even after the collapse of the Communist Party, to make it economically dependent, militarily weak, fragmented by ethnicity. Moreover, even the civil strife inside Russia is actually drawn by the National Security Council as completely desirable: “we should not interfere.” Moreover, the civil war in Russia would help fulfill other goals stated by the US NSS, expressed in the weakening and dependence of our state.
Looking at the hostile actions of the American authorities and related oligarchs, such as sowing Russophobia and immorality of the Facebook owner Zuckerberg, you can once again make sure that the Dulles plan is more than real. And the course of current events testifies to its constant implementation and to the fact that the Cold War against Russia never ended, and now it has just entered a particularly acute phase, including the information one.
Now, during the quarantine period, Russia is particularly actively accused of spreading “conspiracy theories” and “coronavirus misinformation” in the European Union. This was in an interview with the German edition of Bild on May 16 by the official representative of the European Commission, Peter Stano, without even specifying what it was all about.
Western propagandists do not bother with intellectual delights. Everyone who doubts their “party line” is accused of following the “conspiracy theory.” But such terms have long become commonplace cliches of propaganda.
Not only in the USSR did dissidents be declared mentally ill. Ever since the start of the Cold War and the Harvard Project, American experts have developed technology to effectively make all dissenters crazy. All those who disagree with the conditional Radio Liberty were very often declared and are being declared by them “conspiracy theorists-paranoid-and-seekers-enemies.
Of course, all smart people came up with this, but now these moth-beaten stamps cause only laughter in every normal person.