A Norwegian prophet discussing the End of Pax Americana

He predicted the Tiananmen Square events, the collapse of the Soviet Union and the terror attacks on September 11.
I wrote about several forecasts about the End of America, as well as astrologers, psychics and scientists do.
The End of the USA covers a wide range of scenarios - from the scenario of its destruction by a worldwide inundation or by an eruption of a supervolcano in the Yellowstone national park to the scenario of its collapse with the fall of the Pax Americana. Prognosticators usually determine dates with precision and there is one forecast for the year 2020.
Its prognosticator is Johan Vincent Galtung, a well-known Norwegian professor and sociologist, who turns 90 years old this year. His name has become widely popular for more than 60 years ago, when he founded the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO), based in Norway in 1959 and served as its first director until 1970. In 1964 Galtung established the Journal of Peace Research. In 1969 he founded the Department of Peace and Conflict Research at Uppsala University and the International Peace Research Institute, Oslo. At various times, he was expert and consultant at the United Nations, dealing with questions about international conflicts and possible solutions. Serving as a consultant, Galtung was engaged in resolving more than fifty conflicts. He is considered to be the founder of a new scientific discipline - the research of international problems and conflicts at the interface between history, economy, sociology, anthropology and theology. When looking at the education in mathematics, he gives his work a theorematic look with strict logic. Any specialist in international relations and in conflict research is familiar with Galtung's writings. More than 100 books have been written and about thousand statements have been translated into many languages, concerning Galtung's writings.
Since the 1970s, Galtung has been travelling a lot around the world, while teaching at various universities. He became famous for his predictions of major political changes. He has precisely predicted the Tiananmen Square events of 1989 for instance.
Moreover, he has forecasted the collapse of the Soviet Union and has precisely determined the date of the collapse.
In 1980 Galtung attended the Scientific Conference in Moscow, where he stated that the Berlin Wall would fall in ten years and after this, the USSR would not exist any longer.
Galtung pointed five major contradictions of the Soviet system: 1) between the USSR and its socialist allies, which wanted independence from Moscow 2) between the Russian Federation and the rest of the union republics of the USSR, which aimed for greater autonomy 3) between rural and urban areas (widening gap) 4) between the Soviet governing elite (Galtung called it 'the socialist bourgeoisie') and the socialist working-class 5) between the liquidity of money and the consumers' goods (the population had money, but there were not enough goods). Yet, nobody has paid attention to Galtung's predictions in Moscow.
The West, on the contrary, felt encouraged by this prophecy and started to intensify demolition operations against the USSR. Galtung was being glorified and called 'the Norwegian Nostradamus'.
After the fall of the Soviet Union, Galtung's interests mainly targeted Norway, his native country, and the USA. He does not see America as an ordinary State, but as an empire, as Pax Americana.
He has precisely predicted the terrorist acts of September 11 2001 in New York. In the early 2000s, Galtung said that America would absolutely fall as an empire and that the fall of Pax Americana would begin in 2020, by 2025 it would completely lose its status as a great superpower. Also, Galtung claims that the loss of international authority will be accompanied by rising fascist attitudes in the country.
In 2004, he presented his preliminary considerations of this issue in the article 'On the Coming Decline and Fall of the US Empire'. He saw 14 contradictions in the American society: 1) the contradiction between the economic growth and the distribution of benefits (the heavy concentration on national wealth is in the hands of a narrow group of people) 2) between the financial and real sector (the oppression of the real economy by the financial oligarchy) 3) economic contradiction between the USA and other countries 4) between the US State-sponsored terrorism and the terrorism oppressing the population in reply 5) cultural contradiction between the USA and its allies (the Old World and other countries are imposed on the vulgar, plebeian mass culture of the United States 6) between the USA and Asian countries, where an anti-American alliance is being developed.
The Norwegian kept working on his prediction, making it more accurate. When America started a War against Iraq under President George W. Bush, Galtung called this a folly and refined his forecast. Because of this, the final fall of America won't start in 2025, but in 2020, according to Galtung. A more detailed support of his projection is set forth in the book 'The Fall of the US Empire – and Then What? Successors, Regionalization or Globalization? US Fascism or US Blossoming?' (2009). In the following year he provided further clarifications on his forecast in the article 'I Love the US Republic, and I Hate the US Empire'.
He underlines that he is not an enemy of America. Indeed, he takes the view that the America, which became an independent state in the late 18th century, is close to the perfect political system. If the USA collapses as an empire, it will turn into a fascist state and will have the chance to restore the Republic, developed by the Founding Fathers John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, George Washington. When Donald Trump became President in 2016, J. Galtung pronounced that the new President would only accelerate the approach of the end of Pax Americana. Therefore, the predicted date - year 2020 - remains the same.
The Norwegian has been facing attacks more than once in America. Because of his strong criticism of the American capitalism and imperialism, he has been called a 'hidden communist'. However, official experts working with the US government were bothered, as he did not speak favorably about the famous Soviet dissidents Andrei Sakharov and Alexander Alexander Solzhenitsyn either. According to Galtung, they have played an important role in the fall of the Soviet Union. And now it's the US President who acts as such a 'dissident'. Also, Johan Vincent Galtung is being strongly criticized in Israel, where he has been accused of being an anti-Semite (Galtung claimed that the Jewish lobby lead by Mossad exerted severe pressure on the US policy).
But the interests in Galtung's propjections increased in America. Firstly, it's 2020. Secondly, the worst viral-economic crisis has begun in the USA, which could severely weaken the US position in the world. The Norwegian does not renounce his prediction. The crisis which appeared makes the fall of the American Empire inevitable before the end of this year.
Valentin Katasonov